Length of time with students: By learning about the stock market, students will be able to pick out reliable companies to invest their money in someday. The lessons are designed to introduce students to the basics of how the stock market works through the integration of economics, business, language arts, critical thinking, and mathematics.

Students will also be able to understand how to read stock symbols, charts and terminology. In short, students will ideally leave the class understanding basic knowledge about the stock market and how investing creates wealth and financial security for all.

Standard 1, 2, and 3 - Meaning and Communication. Standard 4 - Language. Standard 6 — Voice. Standard 7 — Skills and Processes. Standard 11 — Inquiry and Research. Standard 12 — Critical Standards. Students are expected to know basic knowledge about the economy. They are also expected to know how to use computers and the Internet to research information. Students will be taught how to achieve economic security by learning the following skills…. The Miracle of St.

Economics, History and Business. Mathematics, Language Arts and Critical Thinking. Students will use computers and the Internet to research the history of different companies and to compare and contrast different stock information.

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It used to be that people could only trade on the stock market through brokers. Now, with online trading, people can do it themselves for less, but they lose some of the benefits of trading through a broker.

Students will look at both sides of the issue and decide for themselves. Students will demonstrate their understanding of basic terms and ideas associated with the stock market. Students will determine the overall performance of the stock market during their lifetime and make predictions about future performance. In this lesson, students will turn their knowledge of everyday products into a useful way of choosing stocks.

SWBAT find stock symbols by company, industry, and country. Begin using Value Line. Students will understand how to properly research a stock before investing.

How does news influence stock prices? Stock Market Field Trip. Daimler Chrysler in Detroit. Make Your Own Company. SWBAT use the information they learned from previous lessons to create their own company.

Work on Final Project. Welcome to Wall Street. Two 45 — 60 minute class periods. Begin with a question: Fewer will say yes. Then, ask this question: Finally, get to the real question: Students should be directed to read the article and answer the questions on the worksheet. Terms and ideas presented in the article and reflected in the answers should be discussed in the next class period to assure that everyone has a basic understanding of what the stock market is about.

How does a company figure out its profit? Why would someone want to buy shares of a business? What is the amount of the dividend each shareholder receives? How is the stock market like a supermarket?

What are the three major stock exchanges in the U. What is a stock broker? What are OTC stocks? What does OTC stand for? CNNfyi article, "Piggy bank stocks" Internet access Graph paper. Ask students about their knowledge of the stock market. Find out if any students follow any stocks, and why or why not. Read the CNNfyi article "Piggy bank stocks. The next part of the lesson will probably carry over into the next class period. Identify the year in which most of your students were born.

Distribute graph paper and pencils. Divide the class into small groups. Assign each the task of finding out what the closing number was for the Dow Jones industrial average on the last day of various specific years since the students were born through This will most likely be done using the internet and visiting a finance web site such as yahoo! Call out each year and have each group reveal its number. Write that number, along with the corresponding year, on the board.

Have each group use all the data to prepare a graph illustrating the Dow's performance over all the years studied. If possible, have students calculate the percentage change up or down for each year.

Have each student write a short essay reflecting on what they found while researching their given year and constructing their graphs.

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In the same essay, they can offer their predictions for the Dow's performance five years from now. Economics, business, language arts, social studies Time Period: Two 45 — 60 minute class periods Materials: Internet access, library, and daily products at home or stores. When people choose stocks, they usually want to buy the popular brand names. These products are not listed in the newspaper because they are not their own company and are, instead, part of a larger company, also known as the parent company.

For example, Tricon Restaurants International owns Pizza Hut, Nabisco owns Oreo cookies, and Kimberly-Clark Corporation owns Kleenex.

Once students find the parent company of a product, they can buy shares of stock of the larger company and indirectly own the product they like or use daily. However, some companies that make popular items are not public and, therefore, no stock can be bought.

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In this exercise, students will gain more knowledge of the products and companies in which they have had firsthand knowledge. Check the business section of the local newspaper for local companies with stock offerings. Possibly invite them as a guest speaker for the class.

Here are some suggested products and their parent companies:. Finally, students will choose 10 stocks based on their firsthand knowledge or through their friends or relatives about these companies. Then, students should visit the Web site of these companies to learn more about the business of the company. Reasons for picking the stock. It is important that students choose one company in each industry for diversification, meaning not putting all eggs in one basket.

Look over the charts that the students filled out to see that they found the necessary information and stayed on task. Economics, business, language arts, social studies. One class period with homework. Internet access, paper, pencils. In this lesson, using the Internet students will learn and practice finding stock symbols by company, industry, and country. Stock symbols are necessary to find company information such as stock charts, news, and financial data on the Internet.

Students should not confuse the stock symbol with the abbreviated name usually found in the financial section of most newspapers.

Here is a sample of the stock symbol for various corporations worldwide: All students will ask questions that help them learn about the world; design and conduct investigations using appropriate methodology and technology; learn from books and other sources of information; communicate their findings using appropriate technology; and reconstruct previously learned knowledge.

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Constructing New Scientific Knowledge. As a class review how to search for topics on the Internet or in the Wall Street Journal if needed. Have the students choose their companies to research. Students research and collect their data on the companies they chose. Fill in the question sheet for their company.

As a closure for the lesson have them report their findings according to their research. Students will be assessed on how well they work on the assignment and whether or not they complete or try to complete the work they have been given.

stock market abbreviations microsoft general electric sony

For the students who have special needs it might be helpful for them to work with a partner. You could also simplify the questions or how much they have to research. What is the name of the stock exchange on which your company is presently trading? How much would students have to pay for one share of the company if they bought the stock at this moment? How many shares of your company were traded since the market was open this morning?

How many shares of your company are traded daily on average? How much did your company earn per share in the last year? Does your company pay a dividend? If students bought 10 shares of your company at the lowest price of the year and sold it at the highest price for the year, how much money would they make?

If students bought shares of the company at the current price but missed the chance to buy the shares at the lowest price for the day, how much more money would they have to pay? They can do this by using Value Line surveys. There are charts that have kept track of their progress as well as a description of the company, what they own, how many people they employ, and how to contact them. The other option, assuming there is internet access in the classroom, would be to go to www.

When the students get these, they are ready to move on to the next lesson…. Economics, Math, Critical Thinking, Language Arts. One 45 — 60 minute class period to teach the process. This activity will be repeated in other class periods as needed.

Benchmark 1 — Markets kids experience. Benchmark 3 — The impact of business decisions. Value Line sheets, Stock Research Worksheets, calculator, pencils. The teacher compares picking companies for their portfolio to picking players for a winning baseball team. You look into their history. You have to do the same in picking companies for a good portfolio. This will be the sample so the students can learn altogether how to fill it out.

Why or why not? If there a lot of mistakes, go over it again with another Value Line Survey and correct any misconceptions. Which Market circle one? Write a brief description. Describe the quality of the products or services the company offers. Excellent , Good , Fair , or Poor? How do you know? Does the company have room to grow?

Does the company have any competition right now? What about in the future? Are there any existing companies that could challenge this one? Growth Rate for the past 5 years. Being in debt is not a good thing. One class period to teach it.

It will be used again during multiple class periods. After doing their research, students should then be either put into groups of members or allowed to choose their own. In these groups, they will compare their research worksheets and be asked to answer the following question:.

They will pick stocks together, keep track of their portfolio, and decide together which stocks to buy and which to sell. They should pick a name for their group, and when they do, they can open an account on The Virtual Stock Exchange http: The groups would meet twice a week for 20 minutes of the class period to discuss the status of their portfolio, and students could always research new companies any time they wanted to bring up to their group.

Stock Research Worksheets would always be available to them. If the classroom does not have internet access, students could go somewhere that does, such as the library.

At the end of a given amount of time, the groups will turn in their portfolios and a grand prize can be awarded for the portfolio that made the most money.

The Most Diverse Portfolio, The Most Interesting Portfolio, etc. How Does News Influence Stock Prices? One class period Subjects: Economics, business, language arts, and social studies.

Students will learn that economic news and business events can change the price of a stock. Certain internal and external factors will affect share prices. By learning about the relationship between business events and share prices, students will be able to form a strategy in buying and selling stocks for the classroom stock game and final project. A number of factors influence stock prices. Some internal factors include:.

Also, some external factors change the share prices:. After the questions have been read and the students have answered all the questions, there will be a discussion of each answer and the reasoning behind it. Share prices of the real estate companies and home builders will likely: Share prices of General Electric, IBM, and 3M will likely: Share prices of United, South West, and Delta airlines will likely: Judge Jackson rules that Microsoft has a monopoly on PC operating systems.

Share price of Microsoft will likely: AMD begins shipping a microprocessor that achieved an industry milestone with a clock speed of one gigahertz, processing one billion bits of information a second, the computer industry's equivalent of breaking the sound barrier. Share price of AMD will likely: Share prices of Dell, Intel, and Compaq will likely: Al Gore claims he invented the Internet.

He is leading the polls and will most likely become the first president of the new millennium. Share prices of Yahoo! AOL surprisingly announces the mega merger with media giant Time Warner, signifying the growing power of Internet companies. The co-chairman of Citigroup, John Reed, announces his retirement.

The successor, Sandy Weill, will become the sole CEO. Robert Rubin, former Secretary of Treasury, will likely take over the top job in 2 years when Weill retires. Share price of Citigroup will likely: President Clinton announced that U. Shares prices of the biotech stocks will likely: Share price of eBay will likely: Sears and America Online unveiled a wide-ranging strategic alliance that includes cross-marketing and promotional agreements.

Share price of Sears will likely: Share price of Boeing will likely: Intergraph's antitrust suit against Intel was dismissed. Share price of Intergraph will likely: We will be going to: We will meet in the conference room on the first floor with Mr. He will tell us how Daimler Chrysler is doing financially and what products are doing well. Kunick will also tell us why we should invest in Daimler Chrysler stock. We will see in this plant how they make Jeep Cherokees.

After the plant tour we will meet back in the conference room and Mr. Kunick will give each student a miniature toy Jeep Cherokee.

Before the field trip: Students will know about the stock market, how to read stock quotes and students will already have reviewed off the website Daimler Chrysler stocks. After the field trip: Students will be asked if they would or would not invest in Daimler Chrysler stock, and write a short paper telling why or why not, based on what they have learned about the economy, companies, and the stock market.

One 45 — 60 class period. Economics, Language Arts, Critical Thinking. Then, with the innovation of online trading through web sites such as Ameritrade and Scottrade , people can now trade on the stock market on their own for a lot less money, but they have to go without the services and benefits of going through a broker, so which is better?

Some raised eyebrows and quizzical looks will probably result. It will look something like this:. Is it better to buy and sell on the stock market through a broker or do it on my own online? Five to six minutes class periods. In this lesson, students will use the information they learned from previous lessons to create their own company, so that when asked, students will be able to sell stock to other classes learning about the stock market in their school.

Learning how to build a company and entice potential buyers will help students understand how the American economic market system works. I will increase enthusiasm by telling students they will have a chance to make their own company and see how the stock market works by selling stock for their company.

I will begin the introduction to this final project by reviewing what has been learned about the economy and stock market with students. Students will then be able to sell stock to other students by creating a company of common interest from the company card and value line their group randomly picked.

Groups will begin working on all the criteria listed in the final project rubric. Students will be instructed that anything not finished in class, will have to be completed over the weekend. Finishing touches are made to the final project.

Day 6 — Monday Closure: Students will be assessed and evaluated on their understanding of the stock market by successfully completing the final project. Grades will be given according to how well students worked in groups and followed the final project rubric. Your group is to design a simple company and a product your company sells. Products should be geared towards people in your own age group. Your group will then want to think of as many ways to entice potential buyers people who will want to invest in your company as possible.

Your group will want to use these questions as a guideline to finish this project:. I will be available for questions and comments at all times. Make sure to follow this rubric and above all HAVE FUN! Economics, History and Business Core Democratic Value: Students will understand how to properly research a stock before investing Continue Research Virtual Stock Exchange Begins today! Make Your Own Company Objectives: SWBAT - Determine the overall performance of the stock market during their lifetime and make predictions about future performance.

Construct and draw inferences from graphs that summarize data from real world situations. Why is year old Helen Adeosun interested in the stock market? How are some schools getting students interested in investing in the stock market?

What is the Dow Jones industrial average? What other stock averages are closely watched on Wall Street? How does the stock market serve as an indicator of the U. The next part of the lesson will probably carry over into the next class period 3. Internet access, library, and daily products at home or stores Objectives: Group students individually or in groups of 3 to 5. Have the students try to find the parent companies of the products listed. Here are some suggested methods: Look at the label of the actual product.

Search on the Web Check out books in the library, such as The Dow 40, Portfolio: The Stocks to Own to Outperform Today's Leading Benchmark, by David Elias. Once students find the parent companies, have the students record them and tell how the companies were found. Some companies will be harder to find because another company may yet own the company that makes the product. After students find the parent companies, they can research the company by looking at the company Web site or a finance web site to decide whether it will be a good buy or not.

Here are some suggested products and their parent companies: Find That Symbol Grade Level: K and up Subjects: One class period with homework Resources: Internet access, paper, pencils Rationale: OB OTC, US Fidelity Magellan FMAGX Mutual Funds, US Bouygues PA Paris Siemens AG F Frankfurt Vodafone VOD. L London Laidlaw LDM.

stock market abbreviations microsoft general electric sony

TO Toronto Telebras TELB4. SA Brazil Telstra TLS. AX Australia TelMex TELMEXL. MX Mexico Golden Harvest For each industry, have the students find the top three companies and their symbols.

Benchmark 1 — Markets kids experience SOC. Virtual Stock Exchange Begins today! Stock Market Field Trip To: The Wall Street Journal. Cable and Wireless PLC.

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