Debate on homework should be banned against

Author: RedMaster Date: 03.06.2017

RSS Feed Home Start your Debate Categories Advertise Help. And besides, other school asignments require paper. I don't know about your school, but we were graded on our homework. Do you suggest we ban paper work completely? And then what is the solution? Switch to computer work? Who is gonna pay for that? Is that because it was assigned AS homework, or did it become homework because you didn't do it at school?

Besides, some jobs require you to do training things on computer, that they don't provide. As in, at your home, or a library or something. So doing work at home is somthing you may have to deal with in the future, outside of school. WHY DO YOU BETRAY US!!!!!!!!! And just to say. I went out of my way to make an account here just to get my point across.

YOU, shouldn't use so inappropriate language. Homework should help you get ready for college because there will b tons of homework waiting for you there. Good god, you're an idiot. Walmart has a job with your name on it already reserved.

Homework Should Be Banned - For & Against

It's a lesson in responsibility. If they gave you them one every two weeks, due two weeks later, you'd complain, so they give you them all at once and expect you to decide when to do them. I have to agree with that - you make a good point. Whether homework is necessary or not depends entirely on the subject. I agree, but I don't agree with the good reasons, it doesn't help me at all and is hard although I'm in top set.

I would forget it later in life. Now get back to work you naughty little scamp!! I feel the exact same way: I would rather stay in school an hour longer then go home and do homework for 3 hours.

Then your probably going to be stuck at the kitchen table doing it with your family in the next room. Also why would your parents be sick of you, hmm. It doesn't help with grades, rather, it brings down your grades. I doubt stress-overload will help you earn good marks on exams and tests, dear.

Studying helps with tests not homeowrk. Homework kids usually HAVE to do but studying is a choice. Homework Should Be Banned. I think children should be given some home work on daily basis as this thing makes them responsible, and more concerned about their studies.

But over burden is not good as well, as they also need some time to relax and play. Agree, Students get an perfect average amount of knowledge 5 days a week, Students shouldn't be doing extra work, It causes stress and family consequences if not done, A student's busy life of school is actually one of many couples divorcing.

They already have enough to handle with trying to survive! It has been stated by many that schools should ban homework. Discussions on whether we should ban homework has surfaced quite a lot of times.

I agree with them. I have 7 classes, each of which I have homework in. Try balancing 7 classes of homework while trying to fit in sports and extracurricular activities. I read from Trent International. When they get home, they have to sit some more and do their homework. By the time they are done, it is time to get ready for bed.

Why homework should not be banned - English Wikademia

Where is the time for activity? Where is the time for exercise? The fact is that there is no time. During the school week and sometimes on the weekends, the student is busy doing work and school and homework at home. We did an activity where we had a drawstring bag with items in it. Someone picked a watch and explained what it meant to them. Students have Spanish tests to study for, choir, band, and orchestra recitals to go to, drama plays to be in.

I say we ban homework because we shouldn't we forced to do a paper that we're just gonna throw away in the end. I'm always staying up late to do homework. Not enough sleep makes me tired and angry. Home work should not be banned but it it should be limited to a certain amount.

You should never have more than two hours of home work. Teachers the more you give out the more you grade. Homework is a very depressing subject when it comes to my school. On what planet does a librarian give a pupil homework projects. I have just completed an 8 task project of which I get 1 of each term. Thinking how school was and is now that school is sort of hell with kids running and screaming throughout the hall and it causes chaos.

Homework is a useless piece of crape that teaches nothing i learn more when the teacher talks than from homework. No need to cuss. Homework is stupid because usually your parents have no idea what their doing also it is stupid id rather take a test than take time out of my day to do some retarded problem its a big fat stupid retarded piece of crapp waste of time. Children are so concerned about their studies in college. Homework's really make a child fed up of their education.

School education is enough for a child. It makes them annoy going to school. There are reasons against homework, see- -creates stress to have to hand it in on time -often needs computers which not everyone has -often takes long to complete -limits leisure time -makes you stay up late -makes you cranky in the morning after not much sleep -pressure to comlete it in time limit -no teacher to help you -over an hour of solitude if you do it in your bedroom -distracting house and inhabitants around -rarely any peace and quiet in which to work in -boring -you can't go out with your friends because a if you leave it till later you're up all night b if you do it and then go out its already dark -you could be cleaning up garbage from your pavement instead or helping the environment -you could look after your pets better -you could get a job and earn a little cash which also gives you job experience at a young age which homework obviously doesn't -people from state schools get way less -people from state schools gloat about your amount of homework -ignorant outsiders think your a keener if you are always doing homework -different groups get different amounts -its ruins your social life -creates ill-feeling -you feel guilty if you don't do it -if we don't have it teachers will have less marking -plus I think its fair to say that the majoraty of people hate it Come to think of it, why really homework should be banned?

Well there can be several reasons behind it. One of the most practical reasons is that when a student got home, they can be tasked to so various home chores. Therefore their time for preparing their homework could be their time to do their chores.

Another possible reason is that their time to prepare their homework may be their time to relax and revitalize their mindset in brain storming lesson at school. Most people even the old ones needs to relax and unwind so they can perform well in their job. So as for the students who are just in their starting point in learning. Most of your reasons are false.

Usually homework is just a lot of busy work and takes up a lot of time. If homework was banned it would allow for more time for dedicated students to study and learn. However, not every student is as disciplined enough to do that on their own and that is when homework is needed.

You would have more time to study, causing an increase in test scores and overall grades. Homework helps you study. Homework is absolutely useless.

Nothing good comes from it except stress, tiredness and frustration from students and teddy , how could no homework lead to death, that's ridiculous.

Or holo, they might end up doing something that they are interested in, not all jobs look for mindless rule followers. Homework should be banned. Children don't have time for garbage such as homework, they have other interests. We get projects, assignments and homework tasks, EVERY, SINGLE, DAY.

What if a child doesn't have any interest whatsoever in homework? Do we not do enough work at school? Not everyone wants a job in medicine or politics.

School gives us enough education. And besides, homework doesn't help at all. It's a completely different thing from studying. Studying is what students really need, NOT homework. We're just repeating everything we learnt again and again in homework, and that doesn't help at all. That isn't what learning is about. I've read some of the comments, and I must say that the people against it have no idea about what homework is actually doing to students.

They confuse homework with studying which are different things. First of all, the more homework a teacher gives, the more sucky that teacher is. I have seen many teachers who slam the project paper in front of you and impatiently wait expect you to do it without teaching you anything. Then you do the homework in agony without learning anything. You just do it because you have to. Again, if you say "But it helps students remember what they have seen in class" NO, just no Students can study and learn the topics for the up-coming exam.

Hw is just an excuse for teachers to lazy-out on teaching something. Humans are not built for this kind of things, 8 hours at school is already too much to ask. Let me give you an example. I am a uni student and I have seen classes which give a lot of homework and the ones who doesn't give any but rather have 2 exams within the semester.

I don't get lower than A- in the classes where there are only exams, and I still remember everything and I feel like I have learned a lot more. However, in the classes where there are a lot of hw, pfffffttttttttt I have learned close to nothing and I forget them a month later anyway.

If I have a problem with it the teacher asks me to do it again more time wasted doing the same thing again, and what makes the teacher think that I can do it correctly this time if he doesn't teach me anything rather than expecting me to complete the hw.

I guess a few hw once in a while wouldn't hurt, but giving new hw each week I have more than 1 class you know?

Should homework be banned?

I love it how teachers think their class is the only one we are taking. I think teachers should actually teach rather than puking homework on students. By looking at my self, I can say that students learn more that way. So instead of giving projects every week and expecting it for the next week 7 classes, so 7 projects a week , they should give 1 hw for the whole semester and a mid and end term exam.

For the people who are against the removal of homework. You're probably all adults who have already finished school and are thinking " We did it too back in the time, so should students today" NO, that is wrong! You might as well say "I starved when I was younger so should my child".

Also, just because some sources say that it helps students learn and what not, again They are not God, they aren't right. Take it from the people inside this scenario and situation and make your judgements based on that. I agree cause some homework can take all day and you have no time to yourself when you done. In finland They have the highest rates of education level 2 out 3 will graduate college and they dont have homework until later years and all it is is studying.

You do so much work in school why do you need to do more at home? Becasue atleast you can practice at home and get better, but teachers should give us one page of homework and thats it, not a five pages homework. I agree, homework can be stressful, and hard on people, i for one, have had stress problems because it was hard for me, i am hoping homework will be banned, for also, it kills trees, we have laptops, why dont we use them instead.

Homework takes up too much time and at my school they give like 12 projects for one term all due around the same day. They say 60 minutes a day is good enough time. I hate it, it's the worst thing ever, too much, too boring etc. If they ban it, I think people might enjoy school a bit more. They want us to focus on what they want us to do and not other time with family and friends etc.

They think 6 hours of school isn't enough. It's indescribable to say what it is Homework. It doesn't help me at all, it stresses me and stuff too. The only homework i even consider helpful is math homework due to the extra practice. Everything else is just I hate homework because it gets in the way of things like after-school activities. Im a 6th grade student and I have homework that is really unessessary work and stress. I hate homework and we should get rid of it.

Most of the homework that is given at my school is just busy work. I believe homework is here just so the kids dont forget what they did in school that day, well I say the only use for homework is to heat up the fireplace. I mean seriously homework is completly pointless. If you can give me specific reasons why their should be homework then I may change my mind. But so far homework is the worst thing you have to deal with in school.

Also if your out sick for say two days your pretty much screwed the nexted day. Some to keep them awake, but not enough to make them go completely crazy. PS, I have 3 essays all due Monday! Do they even talk with each other? It's should be banned Because kids should have more time for playing and relax I am here to give my opinion on why I think homework should be banned, and here is why.

I think homework should be banned because it gives us all less time to do what we actually want to do. Every any of our teachers tells us that we have homework, we all get mad and moan. Homework is a burden to all our lives and is just too hard. On the other hand, there are some reasons that homework is good and we might need it sometimes. Homework is something that we will need later in our lives when we get a job or in fact, if we get a job.

Homework help kids learn to teach themselves learn without someone to help them, and could be advanced learning because just that, no one is helping you. As I said before, some people in our class like homework and these people know who they are. Yet if they are coming home with homework that the parents possibly might have to help with it and that defeats the purpose of the tuition because the parent has now become the teacher.

No way hwk improves people knowledge get them far in life. Homework is essential for excersising your brain and being able to let your teachers move on to other things you need to learn about. You say kids don't have time, but you do. You just waste it playing video games.

Homework is a very important part of learning. It's integral to preparing us for life, when you have to solve problems on your own, using what you've learned, without any assistance. I'm surprised anyone with half a brain doesn't see this. Homework is good to exercise the brain so the subject is fresh in the brain for the morning I am against banding homework.

No homework is suppose to teach you at home!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Do i hate it? Yes but should it be BANNED? I'm a student, and I hate homework, however getting rid of it would be silly! It makes us think for ourselves at home, helps our memory and makes us more responsible. I have a large amount of homework, which is unnecessary so they should cut some of that out. What kind of debate is this?

I bet that most of the for people are kids and the against people are teachers and adults. On many standpoints homework is needed. First of all, homework teaches you how to be responsible and how to use time management. The thing about homework is that the point of it is to teach you life skills, not academics. Homework is to teach you about how to be responsible and managing your time so in the real world when you have a major project for your boss you will know how to use your time wisely to get it done.

All thanks to homework. Second, homework can help you on tests, which is critical for academics. Now before I said the point of homework is life skills, which is true. Yes tests do have a major part of your class grades, which are handy for collage. But I do also say that sometimes teachers overdue homework and give you a bit to much, but that is rare so for the most part, you need your homework, or you fail life.

Some jobs require you to do training things on computer, that they don't provide. Home work develops habits important to success and discipline. Homework should not be abolished. Yes, I understand that students spend all day at school and don't have the motivation or sometimes the time to do homework. But homework is how you practice the material that you are supposed to be learning. It is a good tool to help you improve your skills throughout lessons. All of us know that homework does help a lot.

debate on homework should be banned against

Students usually don't catch everything in class so that is why homework is given! We have to do homework because it helps to understand the course fully. Usually homework takes only 1 or 2 hours which is not that much, I mean instead of messing around and being up to no good it is better for students to do the hoework.

Thus students will learn how to plan their time and that is another plus! I'm against banning homework because it plays a major role in school and university! If homework is banned, I would be bored to death! Besides, I wouldn't learn ANYTHING! Okay, I personally hate homework. I hate doing homework. Even so, I am against homework being abolished. The best way to learn something is to recall it over and over again. If you learn something in class, and then do homework at home, you'll have a better chance of actually getting the knowledge.

Plus, it's better to do homework than to waste time playing on your DS. For people who want homework to be banned, I hope you don't mind being a garbage man when you guys are older.

Most who are for this post will end up working some sort of non-job. Like a waiter, burger-flipper, truck-driver or politician. Homework helps you bring up your grade and prepares you for the test.

debate on homework should be banned against

Homework helps reinforce stuff learnt at school, however most kids just get help from their parents or older siblings, hence defeating the purpose of homework.

Because if we don't have homework we have to stay at school longer!! Homework is an important part of the learning experience.

Being responsible enough to do work on your own and to complete assignments on time is crucial to success in most jobs, so it is key to establish this during school.

I'm on the fence with this. In my high school, expectations were quite high and we were given hours of homework a night, making it nearly impossible to explore non-academic activities such as the arts, sports, etc. However, that excessive amount of work really does improve your skills. Practice makes perfect, you know. And not to mention most schools didn't even have close to the amount of work we were expected to do.

Homework Should Be Banned - DebateWise

Most people who don't want homework are students themselves who simply don't want to put the time and effort into something they don't deem useful right now. Trust me, you won't regret learning when you're older.

Everyone agaisnt it is a little bittch who likes it up the ass. Once again, I think the poor level of spelling and grammar in your debate description undermines what you're trying to argue. You clearly need practice, which is what homework is for. Spelling practice is for little kids, not for people who are like 15 plus. I think not alot because maybe your family member is sick and u need to do your homework or u maybe have other thing to do.

I dont like having sports than staying up late to do homework but if it helps me get better grades, then yes, i want it! Sometimes we fail on the homework and it doesnt really help but we learn from that and eventually get better at it.

We have to go to school so why not learn what we have to? If the homework will be ban then the children will not be able to learn by themselves.

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It helps kids get better grades on their report and helps them do well in assignments and tests. Homework is bring as i don't know what but without it we would be complete idiots. Homework helps you catch up on work at home that u did not do at school also it is a great way to study also if u look up u will c that nohomework,no grades thing ends up saying no U so do ur homework or u will die. We shouldn't ban it but moderate better so that they have plenty of time to relax but still learn more.

Plus in later life you get homework from your job so you better get used to it, so when the time comes you will be ready. Seriously, homework is good for you. You can catch up in class and it helps you improve. Homework is a good way of studying. Join the For and Against Community. For and Against Recent Activity.

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