Delforexp delphi 7

Author: Konstantin_T Date: 12.07.2017

I have been using the JCF code formatter - it works well and my code is been formated to Object Pascal Style Guide.

delforexp delphi 7

You can try the " Jedi code Format ". See more information here: The formatting engine of DelForExp has been integrated into the code base of GExperts. An experimental version of GExperts including a "Code formatter" here: I have been for some time releasing experimental GExperts versions that include the code formatter formerly known as DelForEx with some improvements and fixes.

The latest release is from and supports the following Delphi versions:. Please note, though, that I am using it only with Delphiso the other versions may have unknown bugs. Also, not all language improvements of later Delphi versions will work, e.

Delphi code formatter - Stack Overflow

Any help improving the formatter, especially adding the new language constructs would be appreciated. The source code can be downloaded from the subversion repository linked from my homepage.

The current version is adding support to Delphibut I don't know in which stage it is, you can find more about it here:.

There is an integrated Source Code Formatter since Delphi Free Pascal also has a codeformatter, ptop, but it only implements the more basic dialect say D4-D6 level.

Delforexp delphi 7

The TWM version of GExperts works well and is nicely integrated into the IDE. It enables you to write and modify your code without worrying too much about exact formatting, then just hit the assigned hot-key and it instantly reformats. I have always found it easy to set up to match the style I prefer, and not as complex as JEDI Code Format, which looked like overkill to me.

The Delphi version is now available from the link posted above, though based on a beta release of GExperts. It is still much runescape grand exchange stocks same formatter underneath, though, and is unaware of the syntax of some of the newer Delphi enhancements.

There is OPEdit II which is free, and works very well.

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It's delforexp delphi 7 full text editor, with code refactoring and code browsing. There is a text formatter, which uses the internal code parser, therefore handle conditional defines just as a real Delphi compiler. By posting your answer, you agree to the privacy policy and terms of service. Stack Overflow Questions Developer Jobs Documentation beta Tags Users.

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Are there any utilities that reformat Delphi code? EDIT I am using Delphi Some feedback Thanks to all that answered this question I forex trading si guadagna been using stockbrokers 2020 vision JCF code formatter - it works well and my code is been formated to Object Pascal Style Guide.

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Charles Faiga 5, 18 83 Jan Doggen 4, 12 34 Nice, I didn't know about the Jedi Code Format, I'll try it out, thanks. Tried to install the Jedi Code Format but it depends on Jedi, so it doesn't work for me. You probably downloaded the sources.

Just download the latest executable and unzip it. JCF Notepad worked fine for me. Delphi seems to breed such high-usability software: Afaik JCF is nowadays available in Lazarus. The latest release is from and supports the following Delphi versions: Delphi 6 to 7 Delphi to Delphi XE Delphi XE2 to XE7 Please note, though, that I am using it only with Delphiso the other versions may have unknown bugs. Seems to be working OK for Delphi Yes, I always used TWM's experimental version os GExperts which support this feature.

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In Delphi and it works perfectly Don't know about older versions though. The current version is adding support to Delphibut I don't know in which stage it is, you can find more about it here: Fabio Gomes 3, 8 51 RRUZ k 11 But I don't like it.

Lazarus recently changed to use the Jedi codeformatter afaik.

Marco van de Voort I like that ptop works on Linux out of the box. Bouchez 2 4. Sign up or log in StackExchange. Sign up using Facebook.

Sign up using Email and Password. Post as a guest Name. Stack Overflow works best with JavaScript enabled. EDIT I am using Delphi Some feedback Thanks to all that answered this question I have been using the JCF code formatter - it works well and my code is been formated to Object Pascal Style Guide delphi code-formatting delphi share improve this question.

I use it daily more like minutely: JEDI Code Format share improve this answer. MathOverflow Mathematics Cross Validated stats Theoretical Computer Science Physics Chemistry Biology Computer Science Philosophy more 3. Meta Stack Exchange Stack Apps Area 51 Stack Overflow Talent.

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